We Drive Uptime!

Trusted By 100,000+ vehicles and counting

Detect & Diagnose

  • Real-time instant diagnostics for diesel-powered fleets
  • Eliminate road calls with no more downtime
  • Cut down maintenance cost by 25%
  • Detect anomalies 4 weeks before major failures occur
  • Instant fleet assessment


  • Analyzed millions of vehicle for millions of hours validated against historical work order history
  • Advanced A.I. learning to apply historical fault recognition
  • Custom signatures completely removing ghost codes
  • No tedious data-mining exercise required


  • Instant onboarding
  • Colour coded severity indications
  • Historical event timeline of each vehicle
  • Instant email or SMS notification to schedule for maintenance
  • Predictive maintenance fleet instead of a reactive maintenance fleet


StayFit Predictive Maintenance

Optimum Fleet Health provides predictive maintenance significantly reducing fleet downtime.  Through our technology, tested and verified over millions of hours.

  • Vehicles transmit data to the cloud via TSP solutions
  • Optimum Fleet Health takes all of the diagnostic data into a predictive analytics engine processing all engine, exhaust, coolant, brake, charging and fuel systems
  • All information is displayed on our real-time technician friendly dashboard
  • Critical notifications can be customized and sent directly to technicians in real-time

StayFit Dashboard

  • Work order action
  • Incidents by severity
  • Affected systems
  • Daily notifications
  • Fleet awareness
  • Top 10 new incidents
  • Fleet health daily report
  • Fleet-wide, division or by location

StayFit Live

  • List of current incidents
  • A detailed description of affected vehicles, components, severity of the issue, time of failure, and corrective procedure
  • Sortable
  • Grouping by incident
  • Easily exported to Excel for a summary

StayFit Mapping

  • Color-coded icons list: vehicle location, alert details, severity, maintenance action taken, ID, class etc. Includes at-a-glance fleet readiness bar
  • Real-time date stamp
  • Unlimited display and reporting options
  • Print and export to Excel real-time reports by region, issue, vehicle ID, component failure, history, etc. 
  • View real-time snapshot to determine entire fleet health
  • Take action dropdown menu: Schedule for PM Maintenance or dismiss alerts
  • Maintenance supervisor to action work order directly or progress with RTA
  • Generate live notifications via the supervisor’s preference via email or SMS

StayFit Timeline

  • Records past incidents
  • Provides historical timeline record
  • Displays low severity incidents not resolved turned into medium and high severity events. Resulting in downtime
  • Action history – When and what action is taken 



Customers See Instant ROI

Reduced direct maintenance costs
Reduced diagnostics time
Reduced direct operating costs
Instant value addition by reducing operational disruption caused by unscheduled downtime

What Customers Say About Us

  • Waste Connections has partnered with Optimum Fleet Health to become our primary provider of telematics across our fleet of over ten thousand vehicles across the US and Canada. After conducting several demonstrations of software companies, it became very clear that we needed to continue down the path with Optimum Fleet Health. The communication, follow up, attention to detail is exceptional as compared to all of the other companies we have partnered with. Several of our maintenance leaders have commented on how easy the system is to use and the fact that it gives you what you need to manage your fleet in real-time.
    There’s a lot of companies in the market that claim to be in the telematics business but what you’re going to find is that many of them do not understand the maintenance aspect which is critical for fleets. Understanding the data, how it effects the fleet, and having a master mechanic on the team like Optimum Fleet Health does is a huge plus. If you would like to discuss the details of our partnership and how we work together, please be sure to reach out to me personally.

    Waste Connections
    Greg Thibodeaux - Vice President of Maintenance and Equipment Management
  • First Group America invests and relies on technology to drive efficiencies in 60,000 vehicles in our Transit and Student fleet. We chose OFH because we liked their approach to predictive analytics and their ease of use. As we started working with them, we found they were customer service oriented and flexible to our needs. We have fully integrated their system with our asset management system and it works seamlessly. OFH has become a valuable partner to our company.

    FirstGroup America
    Todd Hawkins - Senior Vice President of Maintenance


Contact us for an instant quote!
  • No credit card required
  • Scale to any size fleet